Actors and actresses who became completely transformed for roles including | Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Sebastian Stan and more

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Stan, whose big break came as Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, earned a whopping 11-minute standing ovation when The Apprentice premiered at Cannes.

The film also reportedly earned threats from Trump’s reelection campaign team.

“Having Donald Trump’s campaign threaten us directly after our screening, not only threaten us, but threaten any distributor who dared to try to release the movie, that created a very unique circumstance for everyone involved, and we certainly have had our struggles with that,” producer Dan Bekerman told Deadline in September.

“But we’ve really believed in the integrity of the movie on every level: as a work of art, as a responsible movie”.

Hello, I’m Khan Saab, the author behind many of the articles on I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Punjab in Pakistan. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and through this platform, I get to share my thoughts and ideas on topics that matter to me and, hopefully, to you as well. I’m excited to connect with readers like you and share insights that can make a difference in your life. Thanks for being part of this journey with me,

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