The holiday season might be over, but I have a feeling season 3 of The Traitors is going to be the gift that keeps on giving. As more of a Bravo bitch than a Survivor slut, I’m used to playing a little bit of catch when it comes to acquainting myself to the gamers in the mix. That being said, when I started digging up dirt on the strategic minds hired for the third season, I was delighted to instantly stumble upon some drama. I’m actually kind of embarrassed to admit I’ve never watched Big Brother. The thing is, I could only commit to one series with like, 50-plus episodes, and Love Island easily won that battle. But the tense tea between Danielle Reyes and Britney Haynes from Big Brother: Reindeer Games is kind of making me regret my restraint. What happened between Danielle and Britney on Big Brother? Buckle up for some low-key betrayal.
What happened between Britney and Danielle on Big Brother?

Britney sent Danielle home in episode 3 even though Danielle really wanted to win a show for the first time to help her grandbabies. Britney sealed Danielle’s fate during the Santa’s Showdown elimination by forcing Danielle (who is not the best at challenges) to take the last slot in a hamster wheel race that had become impossible with the time left on the clock. Danielle felt extremely “shocked” by this betrayal because she and Britney were in a “ride or die” alliance.
TBF, Britney only sacrificed Danielle because she believed Danielle was already breaking their pact for a new #1 bestie named Xavier. Britney had just been selected to do the same elimination puzzle by Xavier who told Britney he chose her because he was “protecting Danielle.” Everyone convinced Britney that meant Danielle was no longer loyal. In reality, Danielle didn’t confirm nor deny Xavier’s executive decision, but Britney let the goss get to her. Thinking Danielle was willing to sacrifice her, and that she needed to make a big move to win over some stronger allies, Britney flipped the script on Danielle first (even though another Brother had volunteered to go next into the maze). Danielle was so pissed about how things went down that she refused to hug a tearful Britney during her final goodbye and later gave her a stiff shoulder when Britney tried again. Britney’s other ally Nicole ended up taking home the $100K prize.
What season were Danielle and Britney on Big Brother?

Danielle and Britney were on Big Brother: Reindeer Games, which aired from 2023-2024. It was the first holiday spinoff for the 26-year-old series that premiered on December 11 (so this beef is hella recent). Danielle was previously on Big Brother seasons 3 and 7 where she made her name as a sly little villain. Britney made her BB debut on season 12 and made a second appearance on season 14. Danielle watched Britney’s season and became a fan and a friend, which is why she was “blindsided” and “hurt” by Britney picking the game over their relationship full of “undying love” outside of the game.