Season 3 of Deal or No Deal Island is nearing its conclusion. This season has given us diabolical twists, wild social gameplay, and some epic blindsides. Only four players are left in the game, all hoping to be the Banker’s ultimate competitor.
Last time, David and Phillip Solomon made a deal at the Banker’s firepit. Phillip agreed to let David take the highest-valued case, and in turn, Phillip would keep a cool $75,000 from the Banker. It was up to David to decide who would go home, and who would play the Banker in this double elimination. In the end, David sent Phillip home. So, let’s dive into the Season 2, Episode 11 recap of Deal or No Deal Island, “Water Under the Bridge.”
Now that David made one huge decision, he had to make another. Who will play the Banker, Parvati or CK? While he seemed uncertain, one of the ladies volunteered.
Who will face the Banker in The Temple?

Parvati Shallow faces off against the Banker in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2, Episode 11.
This was Parvati’s first time playing the Banker. She knocked off two high numbers, including the highest value, and two low numbers during the first round. Host and Game Master Joe Manganiello informed Parvati that The Banker was disappointed by the Black Widow’s performance, and the offer was $150,000. She refused the deal and moved on.
Next, Parvati knocked three numbers off the left side of the board, and one high number. Naturally, the Banker’s offer has gone up, coming in at $925,000. Once again, Parvati declined it. In the final round, she must open two cases. She knocked off two high-value cases, and there was only $100 and $1 million left on the board. Yikes! Meanwhile, CK was grinning ear to ear.
The Banker’s third offer was $500,001, in honor of Luke. If Parvati has $100 in her case, she made a good deal. If not, she is heading home. She took the deal, bringing the amount of the final case to $10,232,001. WOW.
Who was eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island, Season 2, Episode 11?

Parvati Shallow was the eleventh player eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2.
Parvati made a bad deal and was eliminated. I thought that she would make it to the end. As she hugged David, she whispered, “You’d better win.”
In her final confessional, the Survivor star said, “God, I can’t believe that tonight wasn’t my night. I feel like this has been an experience of pulling from every game I’ve ever played, and it worked so well for so long.” Parvati added, “You can take the Black Widow out of the game, but I can’t be crushed. I will come back for blood.”
The next morning, the trio walked to the excursion. If CK wins the millions, she will donate some of the money to fertility research and foster children. Plus, CK and her wife are trying to start their own family.
As for Lete, she hopes that winning will transform her life. She is moving back in with her parents, so winning would mean some independence. For David, winning this money is all about his kids. Every morning, he kisses his necklace and thinks of his children.
The past comes back to haunt the finalists in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Joe explained the final excursion to the players. There was a bridge with three large platforms. Each platform has a group of unmarked cases. The guests will race to secure a case from each platform, bringing all three back to lock them in.
Then Joe dropped a bomb. At each platform, two familiar faces were waiting. One former contestant knows the case values, while the other can help the finalists build the bridge. And these former guests can also try to deceive them or refuse to help. Epic!
Plus, the competitor with the slowest time will be eliminated. The remaining duo will open their cases, and the one with the highest combined total will play for the final case. After a random draw, Lete will go first, followed by CK, and finally, David.
At the first platform, Lete saw Phillip and Parvati. Phillip told Lete which case was the highest, and Parvati agreed to help because taking Dickson out was “badass.” They put down bridge slats that have to fit perfectly.
The next platform had La Shell and Dr. Will. So, La Shell told Lete which case not to choose. She selected one, and then Dr. Will helped Lete with the sliding bridge.
The final platform had Lete’s best friend on the island, Seychelle, and her ex-island boyfriend, Dickson. He told Lete which case had the highest value and winked. The final section of the bridge was a drawbridge. To lower it, Seychelle and Lete had to scoop ladles of water and pour them into buckets attached to the bridge. Once Lete returned, the cases were reset, and the former contestants were moved around. How devious!
CK made some enemies on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Next up was CK. The first platform had Dickson and Seychelle. CK picked the case that Dickson said had the highest value. Then it was time to face the woman that CK sent home. Seychelle wanted something from CK before she would help her. “I need you to get on that knee,” Seychelle said, “and I need you to grovel, more than you ever have before in your entire life, honey.”
Then Joe weighed in as he watched the action on the platform. “Just when I thought I’d seen it all,” he commented. Finally, Seychelle “helped” CK … by sabotaging her. As CK struggled, Seychelle grinned in the background.
Meanwhile, Phillip and Parvati strategized about CK. While Parvati suggested offering her the mid-value case, Phillip disagreed. He wanted to offer her the high-value case because he thought that she wouldn’t take it. So, Phillip told CK that he selected a case for her. “And in this moment, are you going to trust that I’ve treated you better than you treated me?” he asked. He indicated which case had the highest value, and CK picked a different one.
Once at the final platform, she was happy to see La Shell and not thrilled to see Dr. Will. La Shell instructed CK to pick a case, and she would tell her whether it was a good idea, or not. Finally, Dr. Will called out CK for cheating and refused to assist her with the drawbridge. As she struggled to scoop the water, CK reflected on how she could have played a better social game. Eventually, Dr. Will came to her aid.
Phillip holds David’s fate in his hands on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Then David headed to the first platform, where Dr. Will and La Shell were waiting. La Shell told him the one case that he didn’t want, and he picked another. Of course, Dr. Will wanted to know what reality show David competed in. So, David admitted that he was on Survivor Australia. And with that, these two legendary reality show titans built a bridge. However, as he held the final plank, Dr. Will declared, “Australian Survivor is never Big Brother,” and tossed it in the water.
Next, Dickson, his island son, told him which case was the highest, and their connection was genuine. Then Seychelle grilled David about why she wasn’t part of the Family. He explained that he aligned with people in his tent, and with Parvati. She agreed to help him, but he nailed both throws for the sliding bridge.
At the final platform, an elated David hugged Parvati and Phillip. As expected, Phillip looked furious because David sent him home. Then Phillip got down to business. He asked why David sent him home instead of CK, who has “lied and cheated.”
David replied that it was because Phillip said that he would send home Parvati. He admitted that Phillip had every right to hold it against him, and he acknowledged that their bond was real. When Phillip asked David if he trusted him, he said that he did. So, Phillip indicated which case he chose for him, and David took it. I don’t have a great feeling about this one. Finally, Parvati helped her trusted ally secure the drawbridge.
Then CK, David, and Lete reunited on the dock. Lete’s time was nine minutes and 25 seconds, while David’s time was a speedy 7 minutes and 29 seconds.
Who was eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island, Season 2, Episode 11?

Courtney “CK” Kim was the twelfth player eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2.
CK’s time was 13 minutes, 27 seconds. Ouch! In her final confessional, CK said, “As much as this game sucked for me in the end, I am proud that I made it to the final challenge. So, I at least can hang my hat on the bronze medal.”
Now, it is time for Lete and David to open their cases. Phillip and Dickson gave Lete their high-value case, as did Dickson. But she picked La Shell’s middle value case. Lete’s total is $5.5 million.
David had La Shell and Dickson’s high-value cases. Now it all comes down to Phillip’s case. If it is worth more than $1.8 million, David will beat out Lete and face the Banker.
And we will find out next week who will face the Banker! I hate cliffhangers!
Deal or No Deal Island continues on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC and streams the next day on Peacock.