Erin Lichy’s Pregnancy Style: Brands, Tips, Best Looks

Glowing and chic as ever, Real Housewife of New York’s Erin Lichy shows up to the Betches office 34 weeks pregnant. She looks exactly like herself, which may sound like an obvious statement, but it’s a huge win for pregnant women. During a time when it’s hard to walk down the hall without getting out of breath, having a cute maternity-style aesthetic can feel like a reach. Maternity clothing lines are… not great. It’s a lot of jumpsuits (a horrible choice for people who have to pee every 30-45 minutes) and gross mumus. For Erin’s fourth pregnancy, she’s found ways to dress her bump and not deviate her style from what it was pre-pregnancy.

We sat down to talk about how Erin’s doing maternity style right and finding that balance between dressing like Rihanna and wearing those same sweatpants for the fourth time this week.

Image Credit: Betches

Betches: How are you maintaining your personal style while pregnant? I feel like that’s really hard.

Erin: It is hard. I feel like it’s through accessories. So right now, I’m wearing a full black outfit and obviously a button-down over it. But my shoes, my jewelry, I’m getting funkier with my earrings and my necklaces. And that’s my way of showing through my personal style because you really are limited. You can’t really wear that much.

Do you feel like you’ve had to make sacrifices with your style?

Absolutely. Absolutely. And I’m invited to all these fabulous events, but I’m like, “What am I going to wear?” And then, even yesterday, we were talking to a brand, and I’m like, “But look at the inseam. There’s no way that’s going to fit my belly.” So we’re really limited. And I feel like there should be more maternity stuff, even just easy things that you can wear at different times in your pregnancy or when you’re not pregnant, but there are just not that many options.

Are you finding yourself wearing any actual maternity clothes or just wearing normal clothes in different sizes?

The only things that I’m wearing maternity, because I don’t want to end up with a ton of maternity stuff like I did last three times, are my pants. Because you can’t fit into anything else.

Where are you shopping?

[points to leggings] These are Bumpsuit. And they’re just so comfortable and they have pockets. They’re like regular leggings. And I like SKIMS Maternity. The material’s really good, and it looks elevated. So I’m into SKIMS.

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What’s the favorite look you’ve had so far? You’ve had a lot of really good ones. 

Maybe the reunion. And I was kind of annoyed that I was in the rating with everyone else because I was so limited on what I could wear. But I did love the dress.

With this being your fourth pregnancy, how is it different than your others?

I’m just not even really thinking about it as much. I think with this pregnancy, I’ve maintained my lifestyle from before much more. Whereas the other times… I was saying this with Amanda Hirsch the other week, I’m like, “Okay, I’m pregnant, so everything goes out the window.” And I eat whatever I want, and I do whatever I want, and I’m not working out, and I’m lounging around.

This time, I’ve been working the same way, on the same sort of workout routine. I felt like I continued my life as opposed to completely changed it, which every other time I’ve done.

That’s great. What workouts have you liked the most?

I’ve been doing SLT even up to now.

Wow, really?

Yeah. I can’t do half of it because half the class is core. But I find myself —  when I’m in a plank and moving my legs and arms in that way — it feels really good because it’s almost like stretching. I have actually been doing Barry’s LIFT, not running, but weight training. Generally, I’ve been going to the gym. Just weight training has been really good. Because you can’t really do much more than squats or arms, but that feels really good when you’re pregnant I think.

And you didn’t do that as much with the other pregnancies?

I was just like a fat whale. I just stayed home on the couch and ate everything. *laughs* No, I worked out with my first. I had more time.

How are your other three kids preparing for their new siblings? 

It’s all they talk about. They’re so excited. They’re older. They’re 10, almost 8, and 5. So they get it. And they’re just pumped.

How is the nursery coming along? Where are you finding stuff for the nursery?

I have done nothing. Not one thing. That being said, I actually have an appointment. Have you heard of Dimples in Brooklyn? I have an appointment there. I’m going to check them out. They have really funky stuff. I think this time I want to go funky. Like color. I’m looking at this red crib. Different. It’s like a plum red. Not a plum red, like a beef steak, tomato-type crib. I want to have fun with this one.

You’re getting close do your due date! Are you just like, I’ll figure it out along the way? 

But the truth is you don’t need anything in the beginning. I’ve done all the things, so I’m not judging anybody that does all the things. But I need my boob and a diaper, and a bassinet. That’s really all that’s needed in the beginning, so I feel like I have time.


What baby products are you obsessed with?

Yeah, so I’m a big sleep machine person. I think the noise machine is key. Because otherwise they hear the smallest sound and they wake up. Swaddles. A tight swaddle. And not the ones that you have to do yourself because they always get out of them. You have to get those Velcro ones. Those are incredible.

I like water wipes or just any water-based wipe. I don’t like the ones that have fragrance or anything like that. There is this new… I forgot the brand. Maybe OXO. There’s this new baby tub that has a shower attachment.

What are your go-to pregnancy meals? Or are you just eating how you normally do?

Yeah, a lot of protein this time. I love cereal when I’m pregnant. It’s an addiction. It’s crazy. And yogurt. Cereal, yogurt, fruit. 

And then, what will be your first meal post-pregnancy? Is there anything you’re looking forward to? Or do you feel like-


What drink?

Probably Mezcal Paloma, and then a Dirty Martini, out with the girls. I can’t wait.

Oh also, no big deal, Erin just announced her new podcast with her husband Abe, Come Together with Erin and Abe Lichy ,with Dear Media. The podcast is set to premiere on April 7. They’ll be covering it all from babies to sex and everything in between: “It’s fun. It’s lighthearted. It gets deep. We talk about everything.”


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