Jackie O Henderson Life and Career In Photos: How a chance phone call led to a $200 million payout

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From 2000 to 2002, Jackie O took the helm of the Australian version of Popstars, judging alongside music executive Chris Moss and band manager Michal Napthali.

One of her first TV ventures, she later revealed she was not even paid for her work on the first season of the show, which discovered and debuted Aussie girl group Bardot.

”I did Popstars for free … I didn’t get paid for Popstars,” she explained on a 2019 episode of her and Sandiland’s KIIS FM radio show.

“No one mentioned anything about money, so I didn’t mention money. I remember we were in Adelaide doing auditions … and you know how they hand out per diems, which is like $60 … they handed me this envelope, and I didn’t know what a per diem was.

“I opened it and I saw $67 in there, and I went up to the executive director and gave him a big hug and said, ‘Thank you so much!’

“I was stoked I was getting cash.”

Hello, I’m Khan Saab, the author behind many of the articles on usacouples.com. I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Punjab in Pakistan. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and through this platform, I get to share my thoughts and ideas on topics that matter to me and, hopefully, to you as well. I’m excited to connect with readers like you and share insights that can make a difference in your life. Thanks for being part of this journey with me,

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