Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 1 recap. Last week, Heather organized a Tribute to Lisa lunch, which Lisa loved, until Whitney got a little too honest with her feelings about Lisa. On the last night of their trip, Lisa took them to a luxury theme park for “an epic dinner.” But Heather’s attempt to get the women to move forward and “clear the air” with each other exploded into a massive fight. Lisa had an epic meltdown, and both she and Meredith ended up running from the table. Keep reading to see exactly what went down on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 1.
What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 1?

In this week’s episode, a fan accuses Heather of prioritizing her friendship with Lisa over her friendship with Angie. Bronwyn realizes that Lisa is not the friend she thought she was before coming on the show. It’s like pulling teeth, but she finally gets an apology out of Lisa for talking about Gwen on the RHOSLC After Show. Finally, the ladies are joined by the “huuuzbands,” and John tells Todd to “watch your tone.” Here are some of the highlights from the RHOSLC Season 5 Reunion, Part 1.
Does Heather favor her friendship with Lisa over Angie?

Andy’s got a slick new haircut. Looking good, Mr. Cohen. Sitting in between Angie and Lisa, he acknowledges that they tend to get heated with each other. He asks if there’s a “safe word” he can use if/when they lose their sh*t, and he has to snap them out of it.
Lisa suggests “besos” (Spanish for kisses), while Angie volunteers “opa” (a Greek word of celebration).
Monique from Boulder writes, “Angie, Heather betrayed your trust when she told Lisa your video game comment. Why do you think Heather prioritizes her friendship with Lisa over her friendship with you?”
“I know Heather loves me,” Angie responds. “But that did make me question where I stood with her. Heather twisted my words, and I didn’t appreciate that.”
While Heather insists she never called Angie a “bad mom,” Lisa doubles down and yells, “It is a bad mom to say that … I babysit [Henry] with electronics.”
When everyone begins yelling at once, Andy frantically screams, “Besos! Besos! Opa!” You need a spray bottle, Andy. It works on my dog. All you have to do is hold it up, and they’ll stop.
“She needs a mute button,” Mary comments, which made me LOL. Please! Somebody put a mute button on Baby G.
Bronwyn calls Lisa out for being angry with Angie for “repeating a conversation.” Hello, Kettle! Lisa repeats conversations all the time.
“What is the standard here?” Bronwyn asks.
Bronwyn and Lisa are on a friendship time-out

Keeping her in the hot seat, Andy asks Bronwyn, “You recently said in an interview that you’re on a time-out [with Lisa]. When was the last time the two of you spoke?”
Bronwyn confesses it had been at least a month, confirmed by Lisa.
Tiffany from Michigan asks, “Bronwyn, was it disappointing for you to come on the show as Lisa’s friend, [only] to have her turn on you?” I would think so. Duh.
“I think I feel differently now than I did then,” Bronwyn responds. “At the time, I definitely felt like you were not being a friend to me. I kept thinking something went wrong between Lisa and [me]. You see me kind of chasing her the whole season, going ‘what went wrong?’”
“Now that I’ve watched it back and I’ve watched you with [everyone else],” she adds, “the things you’ve said in your confessionals, I don’t think anything went wrong. I was just unaware that we were not as close as I thought we were. I think I was Lisa’s social friend, and I kept expecting really good friendship from somebody who just sees me socially.”
Lisa’s not “really good friends” with anyone, Bronwyn. Lisa only loves Lisa and doesn’t understand loyalty to anyone else.
“I enjoy Bronwyn,” Lisa admits. “But it was definitely more of a social friendship. We didn’t tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets, but I’ve always thought highly of her.”
Heather didn’t give Bronwyn a chance

Moving on, Andy reads a fan’s X/Twitter comment: “Heather, you didn’t give Bronwyn a chance. Do you regret treating her the way you did after watching the season? Do you think you’ve been unfair to her?”
“Listen, I got a quick read on Bronwyn,” Heather says. “I thought I knew exactly how she felt about everyone. So when I heard that she gave a completely different feeling to Whitney, it surprised me.”
“Yes, I was hard on Whitney,” Bronwyn responds. “But then Whitney and I had a conversation, and I said to Whitney, ‘I didn’t leave [Lisa’s Besos party] with a good impression after you stormed out.’”
“Looking back,” Whitney says, “you always say, ‘No one was there for me.’ I feel like I was always there for you, and I was so supportive. I feel like you won’t claim me publicly as a friend.”
“That is something I see as I watch back,” Bronwyn admits. “I very much was in a place when we were filming this, where I thought Lisa and I were better friends and something had gone wrong. I was trying to unravel what had gone wrong. More often than not, I placed Lisa on a higher pedestal than the others.”
She finally realizes there were other friendships she could have developed, rather than always trying to fix things with Lisa.
Heather rebuffed Bronwyn’s attempt to mend things

Erin from Pennsylvania writes, “Heather, you seemed offended that Bronwyn wanted to mend things before Palm Springs. Can you blame her for not wanting to invite people she’s not in good standing with?”
“It was a move,” Heather says. “It was a couples’ trip, and I was never invited. I was never gonna go on that trip. And it was very clear from the minute that I walked into that house that I was there to ‘sing for my supper.’ It felt hurtful. Like, why would you want to create fractures in friendships that are newly fragile?”
“Did anybody else watching think I was [trying] to embarrass Heather?” Bronwyn asks. “Or that I was trying to fix it with her?”
“It doesn’t matter what you projected,” Heather says, clearly still resentful. “It matters what happened.”
For what it’s worth, I really thought Bronwyn wanted to fix things with Heather, but Heather came in with a chip on her shoulder.
Andy asks Heather’s BFF Whitney what she thought watching their conversation. “I know Heather so well,” she answers, “so I could see where Heather’s perspective was coming from. The walls went up right away. But I also did see Bronwyn trying, so I think it was just a really sad miss. But I understand both perspectives.”
Whitney’s Switzerland, y’all.
Lisa just can’t bring herself to apologize to Bronwyn

“Bronwyn, you just discovered Lisa knows Gwen’s paternal grandparents,” Tamra from Teaneck writes. “Did you intend on sharing that story on the show?’”
“No,” Bronwyn says. “I was confiding in [Lisa] … and [Lisa’s] responses felt like you were defending them.”
On the RHOSLC After Show, Lisa said the family believed there was a miscarriage and there was no child.
“My dad called [the family after Gwen was born],” Bronwyn says. They never called back. “I have never told a single person who [her father] is … You knew [how damaging] … [implying] that I faked a miscarriage … would be to me [and] how hurtful it would be to my daughter.”
Lisa breaks down in tears, like she always does when she’s cornered. “I’m in a lose-lose situation here,” she cries.
“Just say sorry, cause there’s no way out of this,” Heather advises.
“F*ck her!” Lisa tells Heather. “You want to make me this horrible human being that I’m not.”
Lisa should at least acknowledge that she hurt Gwen and apologize for it. How would Lisa feel if that were Henry?
Meredith tries to help her by saying, “Do you feel badly that Bronwyn and Gwen were hurt by what you said?” It’s really sad that she has to spell that out for her.
“I would never want to hurt Bronwyn or Gwen,” Baby Selfish finally says. But she still has sympathy for the grandparents, whereas Bronwyn only knows that her daughter has been ignored by them for 18 years.
“She’s not remorseful,” Bronwyn says in frustration. “She just keeps defending it.”
“I am so sorry that I f*cked up … and it affected you,” Lisa grudgingly admits. “I am so sorry.”
She can’t resist adding, “But I feel bad for them, too.”
Todd and Bronwyn have a closer relationship due to the show

After the break, the ladies are joined by the “huuuzbands.” Except Heather, who doesn’t have one, and Mary, whose spouse wants no part of this show.
“Todd is obviously very blunt,” Chris from Knoxville asks Bronwyn. “Were you concerned about him being on the show?”
“I let Todd be who he wants to be,” Bronwyn answers. “Todd and I have had some really important conversations as we’ve watched [the show].”
She thinks it’s made them stronger, but she still wants to change in the way she speaks to Todd.
“I feel the same way,” Todd agrees. “One of the interesting things is the number of people [that] didn’t even know my name and asserted things about me.” Heather clearly felt that shade.
“People have opinions,” Todd adds, “and apparently, they feel free to share them. Doesn’t mean they’re true.”
Bronwyn admits that her sarcastic sense of humor sometimes seems to disparage her husband.
“Todd didn’t deserve that,” she concludes.
“I can be gruff,” Todd admits. But he’s working on that with his wife.
“There were a couple of things that were off-limits,” he adds. “Bronwyn’s daughter Gwendolyn … Bringing up issues that were very personal and very sensitive to her was completely unacceptable … almost to the point of being libelous.”
When Lisa and John start to get defensive, Todd says, “Let me be clear about something. You asserting Bronwyn had a miscarriage…”
“Watch your tone,” John threatens.
“I’m not watching my tone,” Todd responds. “Watch your tone.”
Todd’s going straight home to pour out his Vida Tequila.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.