Sabrina Criticizes Love Is Blind UK Prenup Rule That Could Have Saved Her Marriage

Angelina SB
Angelina SB
8 Min Read
Sabrina Criticizes Love Is Blind UK Prenup Rule That Could Have Saved Her Marriage
Sabrina Criticizes Love Is Blind UK Prenup Rule That Could Have Saved Her Marriage, Image credit Via/YouTube/the tab

On September 12, 2024, Sabrina Hayhurst, a former contestant on Love Is Blind UK, opened up about her failed marriage on the show. She shared how the show’s new prenuptial agreement (prenup) rule might have prevented her divorce. Sabrina, who was one of the most talked-about participants in the first season, says the show should have included this rule earlier.

The popular reality dating show Love Is Blind aims to help people find true love without seeing each other until they are engaged. Couples meet in “pods” where they talk through a wall, never seeing the other person. If they feel a connection, they get engaged, and only then do they meet in person. They then have a few weeks to live together and decide whether to marry.

However, things did not go as planned for Sabrina.

Sabrina’s Marriage on the Show

Sabrina entered Love Is Blind UK with high hopes. She believed in the process and was excited to meet someone who could connect with her on a deeper level. During the show, she quickly bonded with her then-fiancé, Louis, and viewers were thrilled to see their relationship develop.

But after the cameras stopped rolling, things took a different turn. Sabrina’s marriage fell apart within months. She mentioned in interviews that there were issues related to trust, financial disagreements, and lifestyle differences. According to her, the whirlwind nature of the show didn’t give them enough time to understand these differences before saying, “I do.”

By the end of the year, Sabrina and Louis had divorced. This was a shock to fans of the show, who had rooted for the couple. Sabrina mentioned in interviews that they had rushed into things, but she didn’t expect the financial burden the divorce would bring.

The New Prenup Rule

This year, Love Is Blind UK introduced a new prenup rule for its contestants. The prenup protects the individuals’ finances, property, and assets if they divorce after the show. This change was made in response to complaints from past contestants who experienced financial challenges after quick marriages and divorces.

Sabrina was one of the former contestants who praised the rule. She said, “If this rule had been in place when Louis and I were married, it could have saved me a lot of stress and heartache.” Sabrina was not alone in this view. Other former contestants also voiced their support for the rule, saying it gives more security to people going through the high-pressure environment of the show.

Sabrina explained that she and Louis had a messy financial separation without a prenup. Neither of them had much time to protect their assets or consider the long-term consequences of their marriage. The divorce process was drawn out, expensive, and emotionally draining. She feels that a prenup would have made things much easier.

The Reality of Love and Money

Many viewers of Love Is Blind are caught up in the idea of love being blind to material things. However, Sabrina’s experience shows that love isn’t always enough for practical matters. Financial disagreements are one of the leading causes of divorce, and the couples on the show are no exception.

Sabrina said, “Love doesn’t pay the bills. You must know how to manage finances together, or it can destroy your relationship.” She added that while Love Is Blind helps people connect emotionally, it doesn’t prepare them for the realities of married life.

The new prenup rule acknowledges this. Contestants now have the opportunity to discuss their financial expectations before they tie the knot. This change is meant to protect both parties from the fallout of a rushed marriage. According to the producers, the goal is to ensure that contestants leave the show with some financial protection, even if their marriages don’t last.

Are prenups Still a Taboo?

Despite the new rule, not everyone is happy about it. Some critics argue that introducing a prenup takes away from the romantic nature of the show. They feel that it emphasizes the possibility of divorce before the marriage even begins. However, Sabrina disagrees with this view. She believes that a prenup can strengthen relationships by setting clear expectations and protecting both people involved.

She said, “No one goes into marriage thinking it will end in divorce, but it’s better to be prepared. It doesn’t mean you love the person any less. It just means you’re being smart about your future.”

Sabrina also pointed out that most people don’t fully understand a prenup. It’s not about planning for divorce; it’s about making sure both partners are on the same page regarding finances. She believes that if more people understood this, they wouldn’t see prenups as such a bad thing.

A Lesson Learned

Looking back, Sabrina says she doesn’t regret going on Love Is Blind but wishes she had been more prepared for the reality of marriage. She has since moved on from the experience and is focusing on rebuilding her life after the divorce. She hopes that speaking out will help other contestants avoid the same mistakes.

Sabrina says, “I went into Love Is Blind with an open heart and am grateful for the experience. But I also learned much about how to make relationships work in the real world. It’s not just about love – it’s about communication, trust, and being prepared for the practical challenges of life.”

She believes the new prenup rule will make a big difference for future contestants. “It gives them a safety net,” she said. “I wish we had that back then, but I’m glad they’re making the change now.”

As the new season of Love Is Blind UK kicks off, the prenup rule is already sparking discussions among viewers. Some believe it adds a layer of protection missing in earlier seasons, while others feel it goes against the show’s spirit.

For Sabrina, it’s a step in the right direction. She encourages future contestants to take the prenup seriously and to have open, honest conversations about money before getting married.

“It’s not romantic, but necessary,” Sabrina concluded. “And it could be the thing that saves your marriage in the long run.”

With the introduction of the prenup rule, Love Is Blind producers hope to strike a balance between love and reality. Only time will tell if it affects the success of the show’s couples.

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Posted by Angelina SB
USA Couples: your premier source for news and updates on Hollywood couples, Love Island USA, celebrity relationships, and lifestyle. My name is Angelina, and I am the proud owner of USA Couples. With a passion for celebrity culture and a keen eye for capturing the essence of Hollywood romance, I have created this platform to share my fascination with the world of famous couples.
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