It’s an unwritten rule that when you’re having sex on vacation, you need to amp it up a little. And if we’re being honest, being on vacation makes you want to amp it up anyway. There’s just something about being far away from home with beautiful views and a hotel bed that makes you want to throw it back in a way you’ve never thrown it back before. And hey, what’s stopping you from doing just that?
I’ll set the scene for you: You’re fresh out of a gorgeously clear body of water in a bathing suit that makes you feel like that betch. You and your vacay-bae are a few Tequila sunrises in and just got back to your room. The sun is hitting your sheets just the right way, and you’re ready to just go to town on each other (and for anyone whose fantasy might be ruined by thinking of going straight from the water to the bed, imagine that you shower first). This scene calls for more than just your regular missionary or doggy style. In fact, this vacation calls for pulling out all the best stops.
Here are some exciting new sex positions to try on vacation because, hey, new zip code, new you.

If you don’t feel like doing something too athletic but still want to mix it up a bit, lay on your back at the edge of the bed so that your butt is slightly hanging off the edge. Then, bend your knees to your chest. Your partner should then stand right in front of you so you can place your legs around their shoulders.

This is a sex position that’s going to feel like you’re romanticizing your life. Have your partner sit on their knees on the bed, slightly close to the edge of the bed. Then, lie down on your back so that your butt is touching their thighs. You want your back and most of your torso on the bed, but then you want to bend your head, arms, and upper back toward the floor so that it looks like you’re getting ready to do a handstand. The blood will rush to your head a little bit, but that’ll only just add to the sensation.

Stretch out on the bed or take a seat, but keep those legs snugly together. Now, position your partner in front of you, either kneeling or standing, aligning your bodies perfectly. This setup, with your legs locked together, is going to help you two feel close and also unlock super intense G-spot pleasure that’s just right for vacation.
Bermuda Triangle

If you’re going to do something fun on vacation, you might as well go all out — and the Bermuda Triangle is definitely going all out. Have either you or your partner sit upright on a couch or a bed. Then, have the other person stand over them (on the couch or bed), facing the same direction they’re facing, with their feet stretched apart so they’re on the outside of the sitting person’s thighs. Then, have the person standing up bend down so that their mouth can reach the other person’s crotch and vice versa. So basically, whoever’s standing should look like a triangle. Complicated? A little. Worth it? Hell yeah.
Magic Carpet

You don’t have to vacation in whatever confused fictional country Aladdin was based in to try this — your tour through Puerta Vallarta will do. Whoever is receiving the fucking should be laying flat on their stomach at the edge of the bed so that their hands are touching the floor. Then whoever is doing the fucking should be laying on top of them, with their hands doing the same thing. This position can get super messy, but hey, you don’t have to worry about washing the sheets.