Sold on SLC Episode 6 Recap

Sold on SLC is back via Episode 6, featuring a failed retreat following the chaos of all things Matt. Last week, the ladies of Presidio continued to fight back against their unofficial villainous titles. They only repeated a truthful narrative about Matt frequenting their local strip clubs. Yet, Jennifer wants them all to zip it.

Meanwhile, Matt continued to dodge accountability for various rumors he had a hand in. Instead of saying sorry, he chose to victim-blame Sarah. Sarah once made a self-deprecating joke, so Matt thought he was allowed to take her quip and turn it into a damaging rumor around Salt Lake City. Matt wants Sarah to own this sh*tty narrative instead of him, he deflected.

Tyna is about to jump ship for a brokerage that holds all loose lips accountable. Likewise, Malaysia is also over the hypocrisy, as her witty remarks keep proving. This time, Malaysia minced zero words in her confrontations with Matt, much to the displeasure of his wife, Nicole. Cue this recap for an appropriately titled Sold on SLC Episode 6: “Thou Shalt Not Confront Thy Neighbor’s Wife.”

What happened in Sold on SLC Episode 6?

Matt is trying to move forward with Nicole. However, Nicole loathes the rumor mills, as they seem hellbent on repeating what her man did. Matt, Jennifer, Kenny, and Nicole all want this storyline silenced for the sake of Matt and his family.

The way that Matt has people convinced that he is the victim in this narrative needs to be studied. But not by Sarah, Tyna, or Malaysia. These ladies are focusing on their careers and their next steps.

Kenny is also focused on his trade since his wife is about to give birth to their fourth child. However, Jennifer has one last trick up her sleeve to try and mend all inter-office annoyances, but her restful retreat only adds further sparks to this flame.

Matt celebrates his birthday and marriage to Nicole as Jennifer celebrates changes at Presidio

Sold on SLC
Photo Credit: Bronson Farr/Bravo

Matt and Nicole share a dinner date on his birthday. As flashbacks show their 17 years of togetherness, Matt notes the one thing he would change about their marriage. Matt does not mention his strip club habits that have taken over this series. Instead, Matt jokes that he would change the location of his Olive Garden proposal to Nicole.

Producers shadily drop the background music as Matt reveals how he and Nicole are experiencing healing through their lovemaking.

Back at Presidio, Jennifer holds another meeting. Matt enters and sits next to Malaysia, who comments that everyone is wearing black. Malaysia asks what everyone is mourning, as Matt jokes that they planned this in their group text threads. She claps back with a real-life retort, revealing that their text threads are intact, but Matt blocked the female agents on Instagram.

Malaysia clocks this, noting that it is another way for Matt to deflect. Still, Malaysia tells Matt that blocking them will prove useless, as she will hear about his antics anyway.

Jennifer enters. She tells them that their headquarters are moving to Silicon Slopes, making them the premier agents for this area. Malaysia will now work right across the street from her husband. Sadly, this new spot tacks on an extra 12 minutes of commuting time for Matt, but thankfully, he has a new client with deep pockets to help him cover his additional gas fees.

In their confessionals, the ladies giggle, wondering if this client even exists. At the end of the meeting, Jennifer exclaims that she is taking her agents on an emergency retreat. They have been far too messy, so Jennifer wants them all to return to Jesus, STAT.

Tyna explores her career options as Kenny meets with luxury developers and Matt shops for his new secretive buyer

Sold on SLC Tyna Edwards
Photo Credit: Bronson Farr/Bravo

Tyna would rather die than attend the annual Presidio retreat. In years past, her excuses always saved her from this fate. But her grandmother has already perished twice, so it looks like Tyna might have to go this year, she jokes.

Even still, Tyna remains uncertain about Presidio. So, she meets up with Paige for lunch to explore her options. Tyna tells Paige about the upcoming retreat, noting that two villas at this resort are for sale, and each one could rake in a potential 150k in commissions for her wallet. But this is still not enough for Tyna to want to spend a weekend away with Matt.

Paige tells Tyna to call her if she wakes up one day and decides that she is ready to leave Presidio.

Across town, Kenny meets up with the luxury developers he signed with last week. The developer agreed to his helicopter jump video, and today is the day of filming. As the squirrel jumpers do their thing, Kenny directs the camera crews from the ground, where his impressed new client stands.

In the other corner, Matt tours a home for his new mystery buyer, who fails to attend due to his desire to remain anonymous. In his interview, the producers try to coax intel out of Matt about this affluent real estate consumer. Matt will only spill that he runs into this client at the gym.

Matt then explains that his unearthed secret at the Cinco de Mayo party woke him up. He is now ready to take his life and career to the next level, he notes, as the camera pans down to his feet, showing that Matt is wearing two different socks.

Kenny and his wife Jessica throw an unintentionally heated gender reveal party

Sold on SLC
Photo Credit: Bronson Farr/Bravo

Kenny and his wife Jessica are about to have their fourth child. Therefore, they are throwing a gender reveal party for every Sold on SLC agent to attend. As the agents and their families arrive, many are shocked to see Nicole. But as Tyna explains, the culture of sweeping things under the rug and showing up as a perfect family unit is the norm in Utah, so she is not too shocked.

Sarah smiles at Nicole, telling her fellow agents that she wants to check in with her at some point during this party. But when Nicole sits at a table far away, she tells those nearby that she is tired of Sarah and her fakeness. Consider me shocked, as Sarah has been nothing but genuine thus far, but okay, Nicole.

In his confessional, Matt states that Nicole should not have to deal with the circumstances that arise from his colleagues. Nicole should not have to deal with the circumstances that her husband and his loose lips, plus his strip club spending(s), created.

The gender reveal gets underway. Kenny and Jessica are having A GIRL! As the crowd cheers, Sarah makes her way over to Nicole.

Sarah and Nicole head outside, where Sarah checks in with her to the best of her abilities. Malaysia joins them. Nicole explains that she wishes Malaysia had spoken to her privately about the strip club storyline. Malaysia answers that she learned about this narrative publically, so privacy was a bust.

In her interview, Nicole slams Malaysia for lacking an internal compass. Matt joins the women outside, where this conversation dies.

The agents at Presidio head off on their retreat in their pole-less van

Sold on SLC
Photo Credit: Bravo Media

Tyna is now semi-excited about the retreat. She wants to give Jennifer a chance to stand up for her, as promised.

The group text thread enters the chat. In these texts, Malaysia makes a joke about wanting a stripper pole in their van, which Sarah answered with a fitting GIF. Nicole feels like these texts were a dig at Matt, so she is pissed.

Before the agents board the bus, Nicole calls out Malaysia and Sarah for their comments. Malaysia quickly responds, stressing that they were joking. Matt interjects, noting that their texts lacked respect for his situation. Malaysia tells him that he is the last person who should be scolding others about respect.

“I am the first right now,” Matt answers. Malaysia gags him, stressing, “If you can’t take a pole joke, stay out of the strip clubs.” But Matt notes that only he and Nicole can speak about this, no one else.

Oh, Matt. Does your “do not gossip” rule only apply when you are the target? But Tyna asks a vital question, wondering why Matt even showed Nicole this text.

Jennifer promises Nicole that all further comments on this storyline will get shut down during their retreat.

Tyna falls asleep on the bus as the agents take turns snapping selfies with her. Then, they play a game involving questions and answers. Malaysia asks Matt why he showed Nicole her jokey text. Kenny tells Malaysia she was not joking, but as the music crescendos, Malaysia stresses that she was.

Sold on SLC is streaming on Peacock.


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