Greg Gutfeld, the popular Fox News host, recently announced the joyful arrival of his first child with his wife, Elena Moussa. The couple’s baby girl, Mira, was born in December 2024, marking a new and exciting chapter in their lives. Greg shared the news through his The Five co-host Dana Perino, who read his heartfelt (and humorous) statement during the show:
“It’s with great joy that my wife Elena and I have welcomed a baby girl into the world. Mira is healthy with a real set of healthy lungs. She has Elena’s beautiful eyes and my hard-rock abs. We’re teaching her three languages. She is observant, and asks if Jesse [Watters] wears a toupee. I told her he definitely wears a wig. As you can understand, we value our privacy and thank everyone for the good wishes.”
While Greg’s fans know him for his quick wit and sharp commentary, many are curious to learn more about Elena Moussa, the woman by his side. Here are five things to know about her.
1. Elena Moussa Is Originally From Russia
Elena Moussa was born on May 4, 1982, in Russia. She later moved to London, where she began building her career in the fashion industry. Her Russian heritage and global experiences have influenced her life and work, making her an intriguing figure in her own right.
2. She Is 42 Years Old
Elena Moussa is currently 42 years old. Despite her public marriage to Greg Gutfeld, she has maintained a relatively low profile, choosing to focus on her career and family life.
3. Elena Moussa Has a Career in Fashion
Elena has made a name for herself in the fashion industry. According to her LinkedIn profile, she has worked as a stylist and creative director and was also the owner of the Moussa Project. This fashion venture highlighted her expertise in style and design.
On social media, Elena has shared glimpses of her creative work, posting photos and videos that showcase her passion for fashion. Her talent and dedication have earned her recognition in the industry.
4. Elena Moussa and Greg Gutfeld Have Been Married Since 2004
Elena and Greg tied the knot in 2004 after a whirlwind romance. The couple met in London while Elena was working as a photo editor for Maxim Russia, and Greg was employed by Maxim’s UK edition.
In his book Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings: A Miserable Yank Finds Happiness in the UK, Greg revealed that they married just five months after starting dating. Their two-decade-long marriage is a testament to their strong bond.
5. She Recently Became a Mother
Elena Moussa and Greg Gutfeld welcomed their first child, a daughter named Mira, in December 2024. This marks a significant milestone for the couple, who celebrated 20 years of marriage this year.
The new parents have expressed their joy while emphasizing their desire for privacy during this special time. Greg’s humorous announcement captured the moment’s excitement while highlighting the couple’s unique dynamic.
Elena Moussa may be known to many as Greg Gutfeld’s wife, but she is so much more than that. From her successful career in fashion to her new role as a mother, Elena’s journey is both inspiring and fascinating.