The third season of Traitors has undeniably been the spiciest one yet. That, of course, comes from the God-tier casting that trapped bloodthirsty Survivors in close quarters with some Real Housewives (at least, the ones that are left). Oh, and Dylan Efron’s adorable angelic little face, which I am legally obligated to acknowledge every time I talk about this show. But unfortunately, having eyes twinklier than a constellation in a solar system doesn’t qualify to you win the game (the game of Traitors, that is. My undying devotion is a totally different situation). There is a different Faithful that I think quietly has this game on lock, in addition to several cliques that are definitely poised to go the distance to the final roundtable. Who won Traitors Season 3? Here are my astute predictions in advance of the big winner.
Who is most likely to win Traitors season 3?
With what we’ve seen so far, Derrick is very likely to be the next Faithful to oust the Traitors for a cool $250K. Derrick has decent judgments of the other players, but he’s smart enough to let others take the lead in making the big accusations until he’s totally sure (which saved him from looking silly by pointing the finger at Ciara, yet aligned him with the crew that ousted Bob).
Derrick proves himself to be useful in the challenges (like when he went out of his way to help Bob Harper) and levelheaded in the deliberations. Coming across as too perfect can quickly lead to a one-way ticket from Scotland, but Derrick has his bro club protecting him from a gang up and the respect of the women because he actually makes an effort to court the Bambis and the big sisters from Big Brother.
I know the entire show is designed to make us feel like a Traitor can and should win (I personally love rooting for evil), but season 2 did prove that a Faithful can figure out the truth when CT and Trishelle teamed up to beat the bad guys.
Which Traitor is going to win season 3?
That being said, the Traitors are awarded far more power in the game and, therefore, a better chance of winning. Out of the Traitors left, Carolyn has gone under the radar. If she plays her cards right, she could be the last Traitor standing and the one to win the game. At the same time, she’s always getting overruled by her fellow fake murderers, so if a vicious new Traitor enters the mix, I could also see her becoming a sacrificial lamb.
Dear Peacock, my vote for the next Traitor is Wes!
Which players are the best in Traitors season 3?
So far, in addition to Derrick, the Bambis (Chrishell, Gabby, and Nikki Garcia) have proven to be a brilliant alliance. With their teamwork, they saved Nikki from being banished, which means they have a great shot of lasting long into the game.
Boston Rob’s reputation preceded him, and he has proven to be as masterful as everyone has said. He both saved and ended Bob within four episodes. His devious nature, combined with Dylan’s penchant for justice, makes for a powerhouse duo. I just hope Dylan can figure out he’s being played before Rob offs him.
After decades of The Challenge, I know what Wes is capable of. Episode 4 shows he’s gearing up to really get his head in the game, Troy Bolton style (played by accomplished actor Zac Efron).
Finally, Robyn has ruffled feathers to show she’s a smug little Faithful and managed to shake the suss of her back pretty gracefully while doing it. I think if she continues to dodge bullets, she has a good chance of teaming up with a stronger player to win.