Have I done laundry, cooking, errands, or any remotely productive or enriching activity since Younger came out on Netflix? Of course not. I have priorities and self-discipline is not one of them. Escapism, on the other hand, is at the top of that list. Since we’re living in such dark, dystopian times these days, I thought it’d be fun to try out this kooky TV Land comedy, and WOW, was I correct. Sutton Foster and Hillary Duff gallivanting around Williamsburg and getting into silly little drama with their jobs and BFs is the medicine for the soul I’ve been needing.
This show somehow went on for seven seasons and became the longest running original series in the network’s history. To make a series last all those seasons, you gotta go to some pretty crazy places. And the Younger writers did just that… I’m talking sheep-fucking, evil therapists, messy Orthodox Jewish lesbians, and more.
While all seven years of the comedy are fresh in my mind, I just had to rank the most unhinged plot lines in Younger. Enjoy.
8. Enzo randomly being a former porn star
PR goddess Lauren does a little digging on Diana’s new plumber BF and discovers that he’s a former porn star. When she shows a video to Diana, Diva’s able to confirm that it’s Enzo because he’s making his signature ~honking like a goose~ sex sound. Like I said… unhinged. Fortunately for Enzo, Diana really doesn’t GAF — she’s just thrilled to have a mans.
7. Diana immediately letting her therapist bf move in with her
Diana quitting therapy to date another (extremely sketchy) therapist in the same practice is tragic, but iconic at the same time. You have to let this queen make her mistakes. Her male manipulator therapist love interest just so happens to have no place to stay and convinces her to let him move in the day they meet. She reached a new level of insanity at this point, but I never stopped rooting for Diva.
6. Everything about Josh and Clare’s relationship and baby

This fiasco all started with Liza introducing Josh and Clare, which makes no sense, lol. But then, I’m supposed to buy that a 20-something-year-old fuckboy tattoo artist is gonna marry a girl after a couple weeks? Sure, of course. The baby is SO unnecessary and annoying. Especially when it becomes an influencer, thanks to Lauren. Josh got 20x more boring when this all went down, sorry.
5. Lauren dating the Orthodox Jewish woman Maggie dumped
Lauren dating the same 40-something Orthodox Jewish lesbian Maggie already dated and got the ick from? Naturally! Because there are just so few age-appropriate lesbians in Brooklyn. Lauren’s date with Malkie (said Orthodox Jew lesbian) leading to Maggie and Malkie having a serious relationship is… even more insane. I respect the imagination in that writers’ room.
4. The success of the dog advice book
I can’t with this one. When Emily Burns, an assistant at EW, figures out Liza’s secret by using basic internet skills, she threatens to expose her unless Liza publishes her book of advice from her labradoodle, Pearl. Because Liza’s sociopathic, she does publish it. But the most unhinged part about this storyline? Pearls of Wisdom ends up being a sleeper hit, and Kelsey and Charles are like, “Yeah, young people clearly want advice from their pets right now.”
3. The sheep herder fucking a sheep

The show wasn’t chaotic enough, so they said, “Actually, let’s throw in a sheep-fucker.” Liza has a crush on the creepy sheep ~herder~ after she meets him at the farmer’s market, and she wants to get him published. That all changes once she spots him in a moment of, well, zoosexuality. I’m sorry to Matthew Morrison, but he was born to play this part for some reason.
2. The whole premise of the show
Listen, I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer here. I thoroughly enjoyed my two beautiful weeks immersed in the Younger-verse. That being said, no one would ever believe Liza/Sutton Foster was a day under 40 in that show. Mayyyybe 38, 39. No way in hell would I believe she was 26, and it makes absolutely zero sense that everyone in the show assumes she is. You just gotta go with it and that’s fine.
1. The Chad and Thad of it all

Aaaaand we have a winner. Thad is the douchiest douche I’ve ever seen on my TV screen, so I was quite elated when a construction beam ever so conveniently killed him right when he was gonna expose Liza for being a fraud. What a storyline! Nothing can top it, especially since it gets even weirder. Thad has a psycho twin brother, Chad, who, post Thad dying, reveals to Kelsey that he once tricked her into having sex with him. Terrifying.