Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 Phillip Solomon

As Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 approaches its conclusion, the remaining contestants are being narrowed down until the ultimate challenger to the Banker is identified. The player will compete against the Banker in the final case, which is currently valued at nearly $10 million. In the latest challenge, Joe Manganiello, the host and Game Master, got the guests ready for a hot and sweaty ordeal.

A bag was swinging above a fire pit. The money bag of each contestant was weighed to match one-fourth of their body weight. The contestant who managed to hold their bag up for the longest time received a bonus of $75,000 to keep. And that prize went to Phillip Solomon!

Throughout the challenge, Joe announced the values of the cases. Should a guest wish to claim a case, they could release their money bag. Of course, the player with the highest-value case would send one of the bottom three contestants home and determine who would face the Banker.

Ultimately, David Genat and Phillip were the last two players remaining in the challenge. David requested Phillip’s permission to seize the highest-value case, and in return, he assured Phillip he could have the $75,000 case. Phillip ultimately consented. But that put him in danger. Upon reaching Temple, David immediately sent Phillip home.

Phillip joined Reality Tea writer Kim Stempel to discuss his elimination and his reaction to David being on Australia Survivor.

Does Phillip Solomon regret letting David Genat take the highest case on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2?

Deal or No Deal Island
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Kim Stempel: May I say that your Temple speech to CK [Courtney Kim] was legendary, and will go down in Deal or No Deal Island history!

Phillip Solomon: Fun fact – I have the highest viewed video out of the entire season on social media … out of the series, Season 1 and 2. I was like, Let’s go!

Kim Stempel: That is amazing!

Phillip Solomon: Thank you!

Kim Stempel: Do you regret letting David have immunity and taking the money?

Phillip Solomon: I wish I could say I regret it. I really do. But I don’t. I like running the numbers and just kind of making a decision that makes sense for me, where I’m at in the world, in my life, so on, so forth.

So, here’s what you guys were not seeing. David and I are super close. We talk every morning for like an hour or so as I’m working out. The same conversation you saw at the beginning of the episode, that happened every day. Every day. So, when you, as a viewer, heard David in the last episode say, I probably trust Phillip the most.

As a viewer, you must be like, Do you two even know each other? But I promise you, we talked every day at length. And so when we had a conversation that morning, he was like, We have to take Parvati out. We can’t let, ironically enough, we can’t let a reality TV person that’s already won a game, win another one. And so, I was like, Okay. I’m with you on this. Cool. Great.

Phillip realized he could win the excursion cash on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Phillip Solomon DONDI
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Phillip Solomon: And so when it came down to it, I looked around and I was like, I have a good shot at winning the money right now. I saw his arms shaking. We’re outside. It is 90 degrees – to the point where some of the crew and production staff have umbrellas over their heads just to keep the sun out of their eyes.

And we’re just there, chilling, holding. We were there for like an hour. And I have to mathematically say, I either have a one in five chance of getting the opportunity to play for $10 million. Not one in five to win $10 million. To get the opportunity to play.

You have to remember that you still have to play the Banker, and win, and choose that case. There are so many other things that have to happen. I was like, Or … or, I could just win $75,000 right now. And that’s not having to play, not I might get it … they’re like, No. No. No. They write you a check.

So, you’re like, Oh. And you might not even go home, based on the relationships that you’ve made. I was like, Cool! Great! Done!

So, I think once you have found peace with the journey you have had on the show, I think for Americans, we’re always so on the outcome. What’s the end game?

If I don’t get that job, I failed. And if I don’t stay in that relationship, I failed. If you stop and think about all the small steps you took along the way, I got to conquer some fears … of heights, of animals, of water. I learned to swim three weeks before we left. I went to the Austin Swim School and I put these arms (points to his muscles) in swimmies, and I learned to swim enough to not die on national TV.

For three weeks, I had a journey, and I’m so proud of every minute I was there. That I was like, even if I leave, I am good in knowing that I am leaving the island a much better person.

Phillip Solomon called out David Genat on Deal or No Deal Island

Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Kim Stempel: What was your reaction to finding out that David was on Survivor Australia?

Phillip Solomon: It was hard for me. I think that the person in me felt offended and let down and upset. But then the reality TV viewer in me thought, Kudos, my friend.

Because I called him out on it, you do not see this. It does not air. But I said I feel like you’re too comfortable in front of the cameras. It was very much like the MG [Maria-Grace Cook] conversation, and the Dickson one.

I was like, You probably won Australian Survivor or something. And I actually say Australian Survivor, because I was like, what else would this man … like he doesn’t look like he was on Australian Love Is Blind. I was like, No. The hair’s too long. Your shirt has been off for a week and a half. He doesn’t wear flip-flops. I’m like, You’ve definitely been on Australian Survivor.

And I’m kind of glad that they didn’t air it, because I would have looked real dumb. But anyway, I said it out loud. I think I said, verbatim, I was like, If you won Australian Survivor, I swear…

And he’s like, What are you talking about, mate? And I was like, Okay. Fine.

Did Phillip accomplish his mission to inspire young people?

Phillip Solomon Deal or No Deal Island
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Kim Stempel: Are you still in touch with some of the other contestants?

Phillip Solomon: Yes. I talk to 99% of the other players. I checked in with Sydnee [Peck] after her episode … talked to Luke [Olejniczak] and Rock [Charles Carlson.]

Seychelle [Cordero] is probably one of my best friends on earth. I’m obsessed with her. I think she was gone too soon. But what I can say, what I can hint, what I can throw at you is, some of the biggest personalities in the game … do not sleep on us just yet. We are not done causing havoc on that island.

Kim Stempel: Do you feel like you accomplished your mission to inspire young people?

Phillip Solomon: Yes. I know that I did. In looking at my Instagram messages, and I get messages from others whose kids are having a rough time in middle school. From kids who I’ve had, who said, I looked up to you so much when I was 12 – I needed someone like you.

And I’ve even had, in the past 24 hours, kids in high school and middle school say, My speech is different. I look different. I get made fun of a lot. And then getting to watch you on the show, I see there is a brighter tomorrow. I know that I’ve done what I came here to do, so win or lose, I’m telling you, I’ve already won.

This interview was edited for clarity.

Deal or No Deal Island is streaming on Peacock.

Tell Us – Does David’s Decision to Send Phillip Home Leave You Disappointed? Who do you think will emerge victorious in Season 2 of Deal or No Deal Island?

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